CTCL Skin Symptom Communities

Connect with a CTCL skin symptom community
Although CTCL skin symptoms are rare, there is a community of support for those who have it, and also for their family and friends. Connecting can provide another source of information and support. It may also give you a chance to help others and raise awareness in your community of CTCL skin symptoms.
You may wish to learn more about the organizations below or your doctor may be able to connect you with other organizations and resources.

Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation (CL Foundation)
The CL Foundation is an independent, nonprofit patient advocacy organization dedicated to supporting every person affected by cutaneous lymphoma by promoting awareness and education, advancing patient care, and fostering research for the best possible outcomes.

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS)
The LLS has a mission to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families through research, ensuring access, and policy and advocacy support.

Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF)
The LRF is the nation’s largest lymphoma-focused health organization devoted to improving care through education and support services and improving outcomes through investment in the most promising lymphoma research. Its mission is to eradicate lymphoma and serve all those impacted by this blood cancer.
This website identifies third-party organizations that are independent from Therakos LLC and provides links to third-party websites and other third-party information (“Third-Party Content”). The Third-Party Content is meant for informational purposes only, is not endorsed by or under the control of Therakos LLC, and is not meant to replace a physician’s medical advice. Therakos LLC has no responsibility or liability for and makes no representations or warranties whatsoever about any Third-Party Content. All trademarks, service marks and logos appearing on these websites are the property of their respective owners. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
The Therakos company is always interested in learning of any other advocacy organizations.
Get involved
Search this calendar to help find an event where you can connect with others living with CTCL skin symptoms.